Thai Sangtian Restaurant Chatsworth

Thai Sangtian Restaurant, Chatsworth 148 Chatsworth Rd, Coorparoo - Chatsworth

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Natalie Low
Great lunch specials! Delicious food and friendly service.
6 months ago
TL;DR: Kind of standard level Thai food that is not awful, still good quality but ultimately didn't leave an impression as it always does. I would still go back if it were the option on the table, but for now other pastures await.

In the heart of Coorparoo, it can more or less be said that this is the outlet for your local Thai takeaway in the said suburb. Not so much more can be said without retracing old cliches said about other places - a lot of them incidentally Thai - so without much further ado, let's get into it. A usual arrangement here, it is takeaway cum delivery, a big range of meals ordered, and a warm night in.

Having just landed down from a big flight all the way from England, it was the middle of the week and my big sister - with husband and kids in tow - were was already at home, and her schedule was not slowing down either. Since there was not much time between when I went in the door, and when someone had to be somewhere, the idea was to get some delivery. I have made no secret in recent years about using delivery services for food, and that settled plans for the time being. After a few minutes, a big order of food was arranged and all that was needed to do was play the waiting game.

UberEats was what was chosen, and I have had nothing but good results come from it as of this review. That being said, a smaller order will ultimately result in it being here quickly so when it is a bigger order I will give it leeway if it arrived a little bit slower. This was the case, not to a noticeable degree, but regardless - when the driver arrived and pulled up he was pretty good. He knew it was a big order, and might sag the bag significantly so did a loop and drove back up, handing it out the curbside. All the stuff was hot and fresh when so, therefore all was well.

Right here, you can get basically all the essentials and favourites quite readily. In fact, it has quite the sizable menu. It starts out with a solid range of entrees, then goes onto the usual soups, the usual stir fries - noodle and vegetable-based - and curries (complete with choice of meat), plus salads and chef's specials. They have a section for barramundi, and it finishes up the menu with accompaniments, desserts, rice, and drinks. What it can rely on here is certainly pleasing the audience, and giving them a bit more.

Starting off the meal is the starters, and for that there were a couple of the basics that often make for a solid and memorable meal. The first one was a big bag of prawn crackers, which were just as they always were. Perhaps a bit oily with more advanced tastes nowadays, however the crunch and flavour is something that is hard to deny.

The other bits were initially ordered for the nieces; being still pretty young not a whole lot gets eaten half the time with them ergo I definitely got to nick a bit of the roti and peanut sauce. This was pretty good, with a thick and spicy sauce and the bread was soft and buttery. This is the perfect consistency to use in wiping up the curry sauce. Also great as a snack on the side.

Getting onto the main meals, there were four of them ordered. There were two curries - a crispy duck massamum, and a Bangkok curry, a stir fry - scallops in chilli and lemongrass, and a pad see ew noodles. For the rice, a couple of orders of coconut rice was the go. All up the average meal here was still good, but something about it just did not appear to be up to the usual standard that I have become accustomed to - and that is to say, they were still quite good quality.

I will get it off my chest first with why this is being said. The simple sound of a crispy duck massamum should make it be one of the most amazing and mind-blowing meals to come out of the kitchen. It is often a treat when a massamum is ordered, with the thick rich sauce that is deeply flavoured yet so simple and meat that is cooked to a tender perfection and thick, hardy potatoes. That being said, there have been one or two duds and this is not quite that bad - but compared to the bar that is being set, inevitably it fell short. Something about the duck meat was not as good as it often is - another aspect, duck is often a reliable winner. Maybe they might have needed a bit more meat in there, or thicker chunks. Again, it did taste nice and the sauce was lovely.

What was pretty good as the Bangkok curry. It was a distinct mixture in having the usual Thai spices along with the fruits of lychee and pineapple giving it a sweet and spicy flavour. This was mixed with a wide range of crunchy vegetables in a coconut cream sauce, and the meat of choice was chicken. The sauce was smooth and creamy, the meat was tender pieces of breast and the vegetables were most definitely fresh. Plus, the touches of lychee and pineapple made it interesting.

Getting onto something a little better was the scallop dish. Again, pretty simple and straightforward with the best part of the meal easily being the meat. They were generous with the number of scallops that they put in, which themselves were tender and moreish - light in flavour, succumbing to the spicy and bitter notes that were the chilli and lemongrass respectively.

From what I can remember of them, the noodles were not too bad either. It was a mixture of vegetable plus thick noodles, in an eggy texture. The meat chosen was pork, which was tender as per usual and making one more decent, filling meal.

There was also some dessert which for some reason I didn't get around to trying, however I heard they were not too bad themselves. This was the sticky rice with coconut, which my nieces appeared to take quite the liking to. That in itself can bring this meal to a nice close, and possibly be one more takeaway option in the neighbourhood area.

Overall though, it was not at the highest and most consistent quality which I have eaten with Thai food. There was not anything weak about it that I can point to that makes it not so good, although some aspects did not live up to their expectation. Let's consider the word "nice". You know how when there is somewhere that could use that word, and the general vibe of it all is that you can't necessarily think of too much that is wrong with it but at the same time can't really rave about it and recommend it? That was the case here, where the amount of food was generous, and the components themselves were tasty, but ... it still did not hold up the standard.

In the end, Thai Sangitan was simply just fine. It was not the best Thai food that is around, and overall the quality is at an objectively decent level. However, with the bar that is often set when it comes to Thai food, it inevitably fell a bit short of some of the great places tried out - mostly to do with taste, which again wasn't bad but it lacked that certain factor which is usually present. On its own terms it is good enough, but next time I might select another place.
Aug 15, 2017
PeterWG Davidson
Tamarind Duck was heavenly. The Bangkok Curry dishes were a pleasant alternative to Green Curry. Treated well by helpful staff.
Coming back soon.
Apr 18, 2017
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THAI SANGTIAN RESTAURANT, CHATSWORTH - 148 Chatsworth Rd, Coorparoo - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 83 based on 124 parameters and reviews

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